AGM Registration

Notice is hereby given to members that the 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) for WBS will be held on:

Friday 19 July, 2024, at 4.30pm in the WBS Foyer
125 Queen Street, Masterton


  • To receive and consider WBS’s Annual Report including the Director’s Report, the Independent Auditor’s Report and the accompanying consolidated financial statements of WBS and its subsidiaries
  • To appoint the Independent Auditors in respect of WBS and its subsidiaries for the year ended 31 March 2025
  • To set the Director’s fees
  • To transact any general business that may properly be brought before the meeting


A Member entitled to vote is entitled to appoint another person (whether a member or not) as his or her proxy to attend and vote. Proxy forms are available from the Society’s registered office at 125 Queen Street, Masterton during normal business hours.

Completed proxy forms shall be deposited with the Society not less than 60 hours before the AGM.

Please RSVP for the AGM by entering your details below.

Register Below

E.g. gluten free, dairy free, etc.