Helping people into homes

As WBS celebrates 150 years, we’re reflecting on some of the locals we’ve helped into homes. First up, Kerry and Philip Rice, who dreamed of a new build, and how we helped make it a reality.

Kerry and Philip Rice had a long journey to building their rural Wairarapa house. Originally from the UK, they came to New Zealand in 2008, renting before building their first home. Looking for a challenge, they renovated another home, then built again, this time in Upper Hutt.

Philip’s job meant he was spending a lot of time in Wairarapa and he loved the district so they decided to move here.

When it came to sorting finance for their new build in rural Carterton, they looked at a number of options, but WBS came out on top.

“They were absolutely fantastic. We looked at using our bank but it was so hard to talk to anyone that wasn’t based in Auckland. We contacted WBS and the CEO came out to our section, had a look and said, ‘Yes, I think I can help you.’

“Dealing with them was easy. When you ring up you go straight through to someone who can help, and they get back the same day. They were amazing!”